Friday, September 14, 2007

New Directions In The Blogsphere

Discerning readers will have noticed a trend in the thematic direction of this blog over the past 24 hours or so. For those who may not have picked up on the subtle hints, the new title of this blog may be of some assistance. From this point forward, or until I get bored with the whole idea, I will be gathering examples of noises that I find interesting. If you find them interesting too, well then, have yourself a cookie, chief!


Godfather of Noize

Eat your heart out Blake!

Mouthy Moves

5-Gallon Funk

Just Bucket!

Street Beat

Fold-up Chair Funk

The Studio

Aphex Twin meets The Fat Boys

Watch and enjoy.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Post Numero Uno!

So, my title for this blog is super creative. That's my artistic side. My Dad did play the tuba after all, so it runs in my blood. I suppose I should have some sort of theme for this blog, but in true rebel-style, my theme will be the lack of any definitive direction what-so-ever. Yes, there's that romantic artist popping out again! So here's some more really interesting online material all about me: My Wiki There's nothing there yet, but trust me, there'll be some juicy tidbits by the end of the semester. The mysterious cfwynne will be the next big net-reality superstar, you mark my works. No, seriously, go ahead and bookmark this page, you'll be glad you did.